Linux – information gathering (part 3)

2017-08-23 von Mario

This is the third part of Linux – information gathering.

Log files

In log files you can found useful information, just take a short look at the files in the following directory:

ls -alh /var/log

A detailed explanation can be found here:


File System

The command “df” reports file system disk space usage.

df -h

With the “mount” command, you can check if there are any attached drives.


Check if there are unused file systems.

cat /etc/fstab


The command „find“ will help to find installed development tools. With these tools, it is possible to exploit the current maschine.

find / -name python*

You can also search for “perl*” or “gcc*”.

The following programms “wget”, “nc”, “ftp” and “curl” can help to transfer software to a maschine. You can find the software in the following way:

find / -name wget


Previous parts

Linux – information gathering (part 1)

Linux – information gathering (part 2)

Linux – information gathering (part 3)

Kategorie: IT-Security Schlagwörter: